WXCD: Terrance, how was your freshman year in college, on and off the track?
T: It was a good experience, I got to live on my own, didn't have to deal with anyone, got some doors opened up to what I could become. A good year, looking as if it's promising a really good future.
WXCD: Who is your roommate?
T: (Teammate) Eric Gutierrez
WXCD: Does he do anything funny as a roommate?
T: Funny you ask. He sings karaoke to a heavy metal German band. And he sings subconciously and makes weird noises and sounds without knowing he's doing it. And most of the time he cooks stuff he burns it.
WXCD: What are your summer plans?
T: Get really really in shape for cross, so I can make top 7. Learning some more guitar techniques, painting of course. That's pretty much the gist of it.
WXCD: Do you have a role model?
T: I would have to say I don't have a specific role model, I feed off of everyone. I see the good aspects in other people and take those on as my own, but no one really specifically.
WXCD: Favorite post run pig out meal?
T: The day that I finally broke 1:58, I pigged out at Denny's before the race!
WXCD: If you could play another sport collegiately, what would you play?
T: Martial arts or wrestling.
WXCD: What are your goals for the upcoming cross and track seasons?
T: For cross: not exactly sure, I don't know what I'm capable of, but I want to make top 7. For track: I plan on getting 1:55 or lower, because I want to break 1:50 before I graduate.
WXCD: One last question: what is your superpower?
T: My superpower is: when life throws me lemons, I make lemonade.