Sunday, April 5, 2009

Distance Glory 4x4

In the words of the late Colonel Sanders, "I'm too drunk to taste this chicken."

In the words of the CSUS Distance 4x4 teams, "I'm too slow to run this event."

The air was calm and balmy. The sun was setting in the west. The crowd was tired and ready to go home. The fast guys had already raced. It was time for the slow heat of the men's 4x4.

As your eyes scan the starting line, two things stand out. A red bandana, and a yellow headband. Wait, there are three more of each. These are the distance/dec 4x4 teams.

As the race got underway, the Oldies were actually competitive with some Hogwarts teams, and came in closely together. Martin kept them in good postition and handed off to Joey, who did a roadrunner dance before grabbing the baton and running a great leg. To finish it off, Shane couldn't quite hang with some actual sprinters, but still represented well and finished strong.

The story was different for the Newbies. Kubo started the race after a long day of multi-events, and handed off the baton barely in last, Palmer then took over and ran a similar split, but still fell further behind. It didn't help that Eric forgot to keep the baton moving when he took the handoff and Palmer nearly bulldozed him. At this point, last place was secured. As Dawson got the baton, the Newbies were 100 meters behind the next team (the Oldies) and Dawson had no chance. Apparently his kick only works when he warms up for at least 11.5 laps. Needless to say, the Newbies came in last, but let's look at some things we can be proud of:

1. We all tryed our best.
2. We're all still good friends

Congrats Oldies, you won this one, but don't think there won't be another showdown soon enough. (cough, Davis, cough)

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