Monday, July 12, 2010

Summer Interview Series: Installment Five

For this Interview Sesh, we caught up with returning Sophomore Alyssa "Al Face" Thiele. She is spending the summer in Manteca, CA, and is running her nay-nay's off in the squeltering heat of the Central Valley.

WXC: First question, which type of bear is best?

AF: Panda bears. There is no reasoning for that, except that Panda Express is my favorite place to eat. But I'm not saying I eat pandas.

WXC: How has your summer been non running wise?

AF: Really relaxing, seeing a lot of my friends and hanging out. I went to Mexico for a week, so that was really fun.

WXC: How about your running?

AF: It's been good. Especially compared to last year. It's hard to run alone, but I have a lot more motivation this year, I know what I want to do, so I'm training hard. I have Wharf to Wharf coming up, so that's good motivation.

WXC: What are your goals for Wharf to Wharf?

AF: Get top 100, and time wise...maybe like sub 40.

WXC: Solid. What are your goals for the upcoming season?

AF: As a team, to go to nationals. As a personal goal, to break 23, which would be a 90 second pr. And to train a lot harder throughout the whole year.

WXC: What was your best race of your freshman year?

AF: Cross Country CCAA's at Humboldt. Mentally that was my best race, and it was a tough course, so I had to push myself. And the team did really well that day.

WXC: Best memory off the track your freshman year?

AF: That's hard. Basically like the whole year has been good because I've become close to so many people on the team, and the first way that happened was at camp, so I'd have to say camp.

WXC: If you were a superhero, what would be your power and your name?

AF: To be able to fly would be really fun. Something to do with an owl, that sounds appropriate.

WXC: Who would be your nemesis and your sidekick?

AF: Both my brothers would be my nemesi, they are evil and they always try to mess with me. And Marina and Liz would be my sidekicks.

WXC: Final question: Describe yourself in three words?

AF: Resilient. Because when something happens that is unexpected or that gets me down, I try to make it better and not let it affect me. Caring. Motivated.

WXC: Is there anything else you would like to say at this time?

AF: Nope.

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